Thursday, November 11, 2004



Darwinism In Action?

Well, it finally happened!

People Down South been saying that "The South Will Rise Agin" and "Forget, Hell!" for the last 139 years. Folks north of the Mason-Dixon line thought that Southerners were just being humorously "quaint" with these repeated assertions. The "election" of 2004 proved once and for all that they meant every word of these threats.

Welcome to "United Red States of America" a place where the darkest, most fucked up fantasy of every promise keeping/militia gun nut/abortionist killer can come true! A military grade humvee in every garage and a King James Bible in every pot. YEEE HAH!

Don't expect the change to be too dramatic at first...the first signs of the NEW WAY won't be immediately apparent, especially if you're the kind of person who gets most of your news from the Cathode Monster instead of the Internet. Oh no, the change will be slooow like cancer, baby!

The good news is that these Slaves of Christ are sowing the seeds of their own cultural destruction. Once I realized that with our all volunteer military, it will be largely THEIR sons who will be dying in Iraq, a sick, hurt part of me suddenly became rather pro-Iraq War. By next year the only new recruits the US Military is liable to recruit are the most indoctrinated pain lovers of the Neocon Revolution.

The word "eugenics" is an ugly one. So let's use the term "voluntary natural selection" instead...

Am I being mean-spirited? Perhaps...But-lemmings that choose to jump off the Neocon cliff will have to accept the unforgiving will of the rocks of reality below. Those who choose to live by the sword, die by the sword. The Neocons can make all the excuses they want, but the insatiable War Machine created by Bush's Mid-East policies will demand more and more young bodies. The coming deficit of willing martyrs to die for Wolfowitz's Napoleon fantasies could be avoided with a draft, but Bush seems convinced, at least publicly, that this war can be fought with an all volunteer army...just like our damaged economy can be healed by cutting all taxes...

...yeah...right...whatever...have another snort, Junior...

What sucks the most in all of this is that there are the bodies of innocent Iraqi children in Fallujah lying on the ground with the bloody boot prints of US Marines on them. MY fucking tax dollars paid for those boots and the bullets that took those kid's lives. It will haunt me forever. All these kids ever wanted to do was live their young lives doing the things that kids all over the world do: playing, learning, and growing. We took that from them forever. FOR NO LOGICAL REASON! The US military's Rape of Fallujah is frighteningly close to the US Calvary's policy towards the Plains Indians in the Indian Wars. "Nits make lice...kill the women and children!"

Where is the lesson here? Bush has an answer for that one, "You're either with us or against us!" With this simple thesis Bush charts a course towards realigning our national policy with concepts no rational, humane person could ever support and I for one will continue to fight his administration with the most appropriate means necessary.


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