Friday, November 12, 2004


The night before last, I actually had the opportunity to go out and hear live music performed by a live band. It is a rare occasion when my schedule allows for such things therefore it made me very happy to go out and RAWK most excellently.

Happily, the band in question was Reagan's Polyp (who will hitherto be referred to as The MIGHTY Reagan's Polyp.) For those of you not familiar with the MIghty RP, this is what they are about:

Phree phorm psychedelic washes punctuated by shrill surgical attacks of psychotic psatirical brainrapes...

I saw them YEARS ago at a middle eastern restaurant in Little Rock called International Bazar when they opened for my friend Brooks' band the Glands (RIP.) I can state for the record that even after all these years, the Polyps still got it ALL goin' on!

Although the club was sparsely populated (but densely packed with PEOPLE WHO TRULY MATTER) The Mighty Reagan's Polyp rocked like they were playing at a never ending Altamont in the ninth circle of Hell for an army of Demon-Gopis...

Long story made short: (The Mighty) Reagan's Polyp triggered something deep within me. There was something in that music...something EVIL... buy...BUY their products or suffer the consequences.

Get Polyp Stuff at:

Before the show, I spoke at length with band member Astronaut Body about our mutual love for the Boredoms and was even given a *F*R*E*E* CD of their opus "Love Overdrive."

Hot diggiity damn!

(Note to bands: Give eusephus free CDs and he'll love ya! )


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