Friday, June 24, 2005

Lately, I've been reading a lot. Watching television in the Bush era has become tortuous, so why waste time doing something that I don't enjoy? Even the act of watching DVDs a'int floating my boat as of late. The slack jawed passivity required of television viewing seems a hideous waste of my time these days.

I've taken advantage of this recent shift in my entertainment habits to become reacquainted with some old favorite authors of my youth. One such author is Harry Harrison. I just read his Deathworld Trilogy which to my surprise, holds up remarkably well despite it's vintage.

Very cool, very timely & very funny for a work written ca. 1959-69.... The best science-fiction holds up well even when advances in knowledge and science overtake the "futuristic" technology portrayed.

Here's Harry Harrison's official website:

...and...speaking of Harrys...

Here's a website devoted to my favorite author that I've NEVER read: Harry Stephen Keeler

"Who the hell is Harry Steven Keeler," you say?

Keeler expert Francis M. Nevins summed up his career thusly:

His universe is full of the grotesque, the deformed and the rotten, but is not less amply stocked with the wildly hilarious. His targets -- the military, the state, capitalism, racism -- and his special interests -- the occult, Eastern philosophy, science fiction -- make him specially relevant to the nightmarish Sixties and Seventies which have forgotten him, while his meticulous crafted and joyously zany stories render him at the same time delightfully irrelevant to the mess and horror of the real world. Engage and escapist at the same time, a gray mouse to the public world but an outrageous exuberant maniac behind the typewriter, he was always his own man, there was never anyone like him before or since, and I doubt that the planet could produce another to match him. He was the sublime nutty genius of American literature, and as long as boundless creativity is cherished, so will Harry Stephen Keeler be.

Some call his work unreadable while others label it the work of a genius. Keeler even has a society of rabid devotees:

Harry Stephen Keeler Society

From the HSK Society's Keeler bio:

In the late thirties, Keeler's style began to depart even further from normal prose. His books were dripping with outré elements (such as bordellos of freaks) and twisted into supremely convoluted webwork plots--but in many works, he removed almost all of the action from the immediate scene and presented it through dialogue.

Yowsuh! Any dead writer who has freak 'ho's in his books is A-OK with me!

Curious? Why not check out some KEELER ETEXTS generously provided by the HSK Society.

It seems as I'm not the only human on the planet who's evolving away from the Cathode Monster...EVERYBODY is talking about podcasting these days, and well they should!

I broke down and and FINALLY downloaded Adam Curry's iPodder...


(enough caps for ya kids? get the point? i like it...)

Podcasting is VERY good news in these times of GOP controlled mass media. "The Man" can't stop this. The genie is out of the bottle and there a'int no way that Bush will be able to get it back in other than turning the whole world in a colossal Gitmo...

Granted, he might TRY that, he IS stupid enough to think that he can.'s too late! HA HA HAAAAAHHHH!

The first thing that I podcasted was an excellent documentary from Australian Broadcasting Company's "Street Scenes" series about Cuba. The irony that the first thing that I randomly downloaded was a show that NEVER would have played in the US media (even on NPR) did not escape me.

Welcome to true world media...

As Johnny Cash once remarked, "Put the screws on me and I'll screw right out from underneath ya!"

Here are some relevant URLs concerning podcasting:

Don't know what it is? Read this short article from WIKIPEDIA.

Podcasting Directories:

Digital Podcast

Here are a few stations that podcast:

Australian Broadcasting Company

Canadian Broadcasting Company

KCRW Santa Monica, CA

WFMU Jersey City, NJ

Not enough free goodies for ya? Next time, I'll discuss the "Sharity" phenomenon...

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Back from the Land of the Dead

So...I've decided to resurrect this blog from oblivion and allow it rise from it's own ashes as an entertainment blog. I never intended for it to become a political/war blog but that's what it ultimately became. Politics...BAH! Who needs it? War...HUH! What is it good fer? (AB-SO-LUTELY NUTHIN'!)

Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke...

More later...