Saturday, February 03, 2007


IN my humble estimation, 2007 would completely SUCK were I not to ressurect this blog...

Here's what I plan to do:

*NOT post political items (politics is boring and getting LAMER by the millisecond-file under: "WHO CARES ANYMORE?")

*Post scans from my extensive archive of marginal ephemera: books magazines, comics, pulps, fanzines, paper esoterica. etc. I'm a chronic packrat and now I'm living amonsgt the ENTIRITY of psychotic gaterings, so why NOT share?

*Post art by friends, family, and well wishers. There's so much great art out there!

*Post essays on cultural happenings and critical assessments of the passing show of life.

I'm excited. Stay tuned, my scanner should be humming soon...


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