Saturday, November 13, 2004

My friend Lance Miller has some good solutions for dealing with the Bushite junta:

Time to Divorce the Dumbass

I am not a naive anarchist. I have met the black hooded anarchists of the Northwest and they are dipshits. That said, read on if you will...

I live in a progressive city (Seattle). I am in a graduate program that is all about progressive social change. That is the context of my consciousness. That said, read on if you will...

No matter which way the Presidential election goes, one thing that is a big feedback signal to the world is the popular vote going to George Bush II, a first since 1988 with his father's election result. Congress has become more conservative. This should mean a more conservative Supreme Court for decades. FOR DECADES.

The progressive regions, cities ( Minneapolis, Austin, Boston, Santa Fe et cetera ), and even small networks of friends, need to reevaluate and come up with a plan to survive. Survive is the wrong word. "Come up with a plan of how to live our values" is a better way to say it.

Hey, progressive America, if you are waiting on the mainstream America to catch up to your values.....[please listen to the next words] are going to die waiting. You are going to die waiting. This means you are not going to get what you want, if you want the conservatives of this country to some day accept gay marriages or be pro-environment. It ain't going to happen.

So fellow progressives, get your wits together, decide to sellout or stay with your values, and those who stay let's march on without the permission. acknowledgement, respect, or cooperation of the wider American population.

The early 20th century black communities of Harlem and Chicago are good examples for us. They created their own world, and created jazz. In a hostile prejudiced wider culture, they sustained each other, and created a beautiful culture the world still respects and reflects on.

Let's do that, my friends, let's do that. Not alone and autonomous, but together, knitting networks of friends, babysitters, doctors, and ultimately an alternate economy.

If you really want to live with any contentment in yourself, you must join in and create this society I am speaking of.

Lance has brought up an interesting analogy. We live in a culture that has developed it's worst tendencies through the historical suppression of a racial minority. The Red State phenomenon is merely an extension of the memetic pool that spawned the slave trade, the Prussian inspired military culture AND voter suppression based on race. The South has never been fully democratized. It has always had democratic ideals forced upon it from without. The Civil War is the most extreme example of this, but the South's whole history has been one of coerced cooperation with progressive change. It was drug kicking and screaming into the 20th century by Supreme Court decisions forcing it to accept the concepts of Evolution (and the greater issue of separatition of Church and State) and desegregation (with the greater issues of equality of race and class.)

Blood is in the water. The Neocon sharks have tasted this blood and are on the verge of becoming drunk with it. It is our turn to be drug kicking and screaming, but this time we're being drug BACKWARDS beyond even the point of the creation of our core values and institutions. Bush and Co. are getting positively MEDIEVAL on our asses.

Meanwhile my friend Chris S. sent this inspiring quote to me. This sums up the blog phenomenon and why it will probably have the last laugh over the Corpse of Professional Journalism:

There is a literature that does not reach the voracious mass. It is the work of creators, issued from a real necessity in the author, produced for himself. It expresses the knowledge of a supreme egoism, in which laws wither away. Every page must explode, either by profound heavy seriousness, the whirlwind, poetic frenzy, the new, the eternal, the crushing joke, enthusiasm for principles, or by the way in which it is printed. On the one hand a tottering world in flight, betrothed to the glockenspiel of hell, on the other hand: new men. Rough, bouncing, riding on hiccups. Behind them a crippled world and literary quacks with a mania for improvement.

I say unto you: there is no beginning and we do not tremble, we are not sentimental. We are a furious Wind, tearing the dirty linen of clouds and prayers, preparing the great spectacle of disaster, fire, decomposition.* We will put an end to mourning and replace tears by sirens screeching from one continent to another. Pavilions of intense joy and widowers with the sadness of poison. Dada is the signboard of abstraction; advertising and business are also elements of poetry.

I destroy the drawers of the brain and of social organization: spread demoralization wherever I go and cast my hand from heaven to hell, my eyes from hell to heaven, restore the fecund wheel of a universal circus to objective forces and the imagination of every individual.

Tristan Tzara,"Dada Manifesto" [1918]


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