Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Sailor Moon Live Action!!!!

Just got copies of the first few episodes of the Sailor Moon live action show!

Haven't watched much of it but what I've seen is satisfyingly surreal eye candy...

Here's some screen grabs:

Monday, August 29, 2005

Back from Vacation!

...but I have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING important to say today!

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Day 3 of My Much Needed 4 Day Weekend!

Today's theme: British Trash Fiction (Dates and Artists Unknown)

Friday, August 26, 2005

Day 2 of My Much Needed 4 Day Weekend!

Here's some Eye Candy until I get back from my mini-vacation!

Men's Magazine from the late '60's

Soviet Glamor Magazine from the '20's

Movie poster forAlraune (1928)

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Here's a couple of great covers from '70's black and white horror comics to tide you over until I can think of something to write.

Dunno who did the "Psycho" cover but the "Creepy" cover is by Vaughn Bode and Larry Todd.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005


Just saw "The Exorcism of Emily Rose" at a sneak preview...

Peee-YEW!!!!! Vat a SHTINKAH!

It started out good-there were some genuinely scary scenes at the beginning when the Emily chick started to become possessed by demons...


...but then the film degenerated into a turgid courtroom drama with a few cheap shocks thrown in (mostly told in flashback) in an attempt to wake the snoozing audience.

Despite some effective scenes of Emily Rose (who is cute in a sort of possessed-Hillary-Swank-sort-of-way...) eating bugs and screaming Aramaic insults in a cool Norwegian Black Metal voice the whole affair ended up coming off as an expensive made for TV movie. To make the movie even more unpalatable, the director seemed to be using the film as a platform to convince the audience that God IS real and demons DO possess the unwilling.

GIVE ME A BREAK! When I want a fucking commercial for the Christian Church, I'll turn on Jerry Falwell's Old Time Christian Buttfuck Show OKAY???

All the smarmy bible thumping did was make me root for Old Scratch and his mnions even harder.

Final summation:

Exorcism of Emily Rose="Law and Order" meets "Exorcist" on the 700 Club...give it a miss...

If you want some REAL Exorcist-sploitation (hey-did I coin a phrase? Oops!) go out and rent Juan López Moctezuma's "Alucarda" or Ken Russell's "The Devils." (Emily doesn't even VOMIT ONCE!! What kind of puny-ass'd demon got in to HER?)

...AND (*rant alert!*) Why do they take these sneak previews so BLOODY SERIOUSLY!?!?!? They had genuine COPS at the door with AIRPORT WANDS shaking down the audience for cell phones and recording devices. Do they seriously think that somebody's going to sell somebody a shitty cell phone recorded bootleg of THIS PIECE OF SHIT!!!!??? Dream on...Emily Rose'll end up in the $5.00 bin at Wal-Marts in about two weeks...

Ed Valigursky

Ed Valigursky did the coolest robots EVER! You remember him, don't you? No?

He was the guy who painted all those COOL Ace Double SF covers back in the '60's (the ones that weren't done by Ed Emshwiller.)

Valigursky is yet another SF/Fantasy illustrator that I've been unable to uncover biographical information about. His career in SF seems to stop around late '60's/early '70's.

If you'd like to see a cool site that has his Ace Double covers check this out:

The ACE Doubles (and Singles) Image Library

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Biscuit 1956-2005 RIP

SHIT! Biscuit of the Big Boys (and Swine King) has died. He was found dead the same day a feature story about him in the Austin Chroniclehit the street! How weird is that?

How can one describe the Big Boys?

They were hardcore. They were art punk.
They were smart. They were stupid.
They were queer. They were straight.
They were fast. They were slow.
They were street. They were suburban.
They were purists. They were revisionists.
They were every thing punk could and should be.

What a band! What a loss...

Austin American-Stateman obit

Vintage Photos of the Big Boys in action.

Comprehensive Big Boys tribute site

Monday, August 22, 2005


Just watched "Viy," a 1967 Russian horror film based on a story by Nicolai Gogol. It's a very strange trip of a film, quite hallucinatory.

According to the Internet Movie Database, the film's director Georgy Kropachyov, directed only two films, having spent the rest of his career as a film designer. It shows. "Viy" is a beautifully designed film, slightly talkie in places but with considerable impact once the deliver the horror goods. It's also a very short film, only an hour long.
You can read a review of 'Viy" here:

Here are some scenes from "Viy."

Friday, August 19, 2005


We could all use a little Yoshitoshi right about now.
(I think that he might have been an Edd Cartier fan!)

Yoshitoshi Gallery

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Edd Cartier

Edd Cartier is one of my favorite American pulp illustrators. His work manages to strike that magical chord between the humorous and the grotesque. I've been able to find little biographical information about him but he's apparently still alive!
(I think?)

Here are some galleries of his black and white illustration work, much of it from John Campbell's Astounding and Unknown magazines of the 1940's:

Edd Cartier Gallery 1
Edd Cartier Gallery 2
Edd Cartier Gallery 3
Edd Cartier Gallery 4
Edd Cartier Gallery 5