Sunday, November 14, 2004

I'm going to be offline for (hopefully just) a few days while my sick computer goes to the I return, enjoy these thoughts:

The Neocons are trying to amend the constitution to allow Arnold "Learn to Speak the Fucking Language You Nazi Bonehead" Schwarzenegger to become "Der Fuhrer-nator" of the US after Bush runs the country completely into the ground.

Ads Back Schwarzenegger for President

I can't believe Americans calling themselves "conservatives" are wanting to allow foreign-born individuals to be president! Have they NO knowledge of history AT ALL? If this happens it will make the United States the SECOND Republic founded on the principles of Hellenistic democratic ideals to be invaded and destroyed by Germanic invaders...

Check this out:

In 476, the traditional date for the fall of the Western Roman Empire, the German chieftain Odovacer deposed the West's last emperor, Romulus Augustulus, and established an autonomous kingdom in Italy. In 493, however, the Ostrogoths, led by Theodoric (c. 454 - 526), a German leader who had been brought up at the Court of Constantinople, defeated Odovacer and in turn established control over Italy.

A coincidence too close for comfort, eh?

Maybe Arnold should just change his name to Theodoric II and start wearing goatskins, that'll get us all in the mood...

Of course, his national origins ain't the REAL issue. The fact that Arnie even WANTS to have clean up duty after the worst US president in history calls his intelligence and competency gravely into question and SHOULD negate any appeal that he should have. (But it won't-he VILL be der next president...get used to it..."Hasta la vista, BABY!")

Maybe a Schwarzenegger presidency is just what those Red State goose-steppers deserve...nature does indeed have ways of correcting it's failed experiments...

Meanwhile, things seem to be going from worse to tragic in Iraq. The Bushite warlords are claiming victory in Fallujah after having "liberated" it's lunar landscape from the grip of "insurgents" (i.e. any Iraqi stupid or unfortunate enough to still be living in the city regardless of their political, religious or ideological allegiance...)

Hey kids! Guess what? Number two boogie man Abu "Zowie" Zarqawi ESCAPED!!! As Gomer Pyle would say, "Surprise, surprise surprise...!"

Zarqawi threatens to carry on the war

I'm sure this won't stop Junior from putting on another Gucci flight suit and playing triumphal God-Emperor. Soon to be playing on a feel good screen near you: "Mission Accomplished 2..."

(I predict that it'll draw more Red State box-office than it's competitor, "Oil Wars: Mosul Strikes Back...")


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