Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Oh CANADA!!!!!!!!!!!!

Many liberal Americans have gone back and forth with the moral and ethical conundrum of being forced by the 2004 "elections" to support the Bush regime and it's War in Iraq whether they like it or not.

My personal view is that to continue to willingly support the Bush war machine with my tax dollars is immoral. (Although sadly, I must do this until 2006 to avoid being a criminal. Re-locating to another country a'int easy...nor speedy...) Considering that the elections of 2000 were definitely rigged and the 2004 elections were probably rigged, the argument that we should stay and fight seems almost laughable. Could the Germans have voted Hitler out of office in 1935? I think not... Could the Soviets have used their ballots to send Stalin a message when he alligned his foreign policy with Hitler's in 1939?

Um-no...Dictatorships don't exactly work that way...

By 2006 ALL of our votes could be cast on Diebold machines. Who could stop it? The cowed and marginalized Democrats? The GOP who used the machines to steal the election of 2004 and now controls ALL branches of the US government?

I've got a great idea, I'll WRITE MY CONGRESSPERSON! *snicker*


Anyway, here's perhaps a more practical solution:


Poll-shocked US Democrats take interest in Canada
  • http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/world/archives/2004/11/16/2003211303

    IDEOLOGICAL IMMIGRATION?: A Canadian Web site has received thousands of more hits from the US than it normally gets since the Nov. 2 presidential election

    Rudi Kischer wants to help those Americans who have the post-election blues after US President George W. Bush's second-term victory.

    The Vancouver, British Columbia, immigration lawyer plans seminars in three US cities -- Seattle, San Francisco and Los Angeles -- to tell Americans frustrated with Bush's victory that the grass is greener north of the border. And that's not just an allusion to Canada's lenient marijuana laws.

    Nancy Bray, a spokeswoman for Citizenship and Immigration Canada, said her agency's Web site received 261,000 hits from the US in the two days following the election, but it'll be many months before officials can guess how many of them were serious.

    Jason Mogus, Communicopia's chief executive, said that while his company wanted to help interested Americans, moving to Canada should be plan B.

    "We strongly encourage Americans to stay and build a culture in line with their values," Mogus said. "In other words, stay and fight."

    "Stay and fight..." Well...Sounds positively GROOVY on the face of it...But building upon a culture that calls murderers heroes is difficult, if not impossible. The US Marine who recently shot a wounded, unarmed man in the head ("He's dead NOW...huh huh huh") obviously does not see himself as a murderer, nor do his comrades at arms, nor do the Red State Zombies for Christ who support America's war in Iraq. One can argue ad infinitum whether this Marine was driven to such an act though stress, upbringing, or lack of education. Considering these factors will be irrelevant because chances are he will become the next cause celebe for the right wing whether he goes to trial or not. If he plays his cards right he could very well end up being the Horst Wessel of the Neocon movement. Maybe Fox TV could do a reality show about breeding him with Jessica Lynch to produce the perfect Christian Soldier...

    U.S. Marines Rally Round Iraq Probe Comrade

  • http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=574&e=16&u=/nm/iraq_falluja_investigation_dc

    Marines interviewed on Tuesday said they didn't see the shooting as a scandal, rather the act of a comrade who faced intense pressure during the effort to quell the insurgency in the city.

    "I can see why he would do it. He was probably running around being shot at for days on end in Falluja. There should be an investigation but they should look into the circumstances," said Lance Corporal Christopher Hanson.

    "I would have shot the insurgent too. Two shots to the head," said Sergeant Nicholas Graham, 24, of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. "You can't trust these people. He should not be investigated. He did nothing wrong."

    So much for winning hearts and minds...

    I remember shortly after 9-11 seeing a young American man about 19 or 20 years old being interviewed on TV. It was one of those quickie "man in the street" sound bites so beloved of the US broadcast media. He said "I hate the Arabs...I always have..." He didn't look particularly stupid, or poor, or uneducated. It made me realize that YES, this kid HAD been raised to hate Arabs by the news media, by Hollywood and by his government. For those of us old enough to remember the "Cold War" which was an ideological war of attrition with a distant foe whom most of us would never meet, it's shocking that we have produced a generation of racist religious zealots willing to kill for Christ and country. Wonder if there's enough predator kids like this to keep a draft from happening?

    Jury's out on that one...

    Some very sad news: Aaron, the guy behind Uppity Negro, one of my all time favorite blogs took his own life a few months back...


    Dunno the particulars, but he will be missed. This sad, stupid country could use more Uppity Negros like Aaron..Indeed, it will probably not survive without them...


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