Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Oh shit...this is in danger of turning into ANOTHER fucking war blog...


I just looked over the articles that I wanted to discuss/rant about...and almost all of them are about Eye-Rack...

Just to be different, I'll start out with an article about the MPAA's recent foray into the same totalitarian waters that the RIAA is now neck deep in.

MPAA launches software snooping tool


    The Motion Picture Association of America said on Tuesday that it has filed an unspecified number of lawsuits against people who trade copyrighted movies online, following through on plans announced earlier in the month.

    The organisation also said it will release free software to help parents and other computer owners identify all the music, movie and peer-to-peer software files on their machines.

    The software, designed to scan hard disks for media and peer-to-peer files, will soon be freely available from the MPAA. A representative of the group said the program, developed by a Danish software company, does not yet have a name.

    It will only identify files, not automatically delete them, the group said.

    MOM...DAD! Be the first parents on the block to turn your kids in for trading movie files!

    (I feel like I'm living in a Philip K. Dick novel...)

    Remember when a parents' biggest concern was hanging outside of Junior's door trying to catch a fleeting whiff of burning hemp?

    Getting grounded for file sharing may soon be pretty low on the list of bummers for America's teenagers. Looks like the Feds are making their lists and checking them twice and it a'int Chistmas shopping that's on their minds. Regarding the question raised in my previous post: it would seem that the Bush War Machine is indeed running out of eager young Christian Martyrs for the Great Cause of Liberating the Iraqis from Themselves.

    Red State parents will no doubt FREAK THE FUCK OUT when lil' Bobby Joe and Becky Sue get that friendly letter from a board of "friends and neighbors..." and later wonder how the hell they lost their kids to something as meaningless as the Iraq War. BUT THEY'LL PROBABLY STILL BLAME CLINTON!!!!!!!

    Government Looking at Military Draft Lists


    The Selective Service System (SSS) and the U.S. Department of Education now are gearing up to compare their computer records, to make sure all men between the ages of 18 and 25 who are required to register for a military draft have done so.

    The SSS and the education department will begin comparing their lists on Jan. 1, 2005, according to a memo authored by Jack Martin, acting Selective Service director.

    While similar record checks have been done periodically for the past 10 years, Martin’s memo is dated Oct. 28, just a few days before the Nov. 2 presidential election, a hard-fought campaign in which the question of whether the nation might need to reinstate a military draft was raised in debates and on the stump.

    It took several more days, until Nov. 4, for the document to reach the Federal Register, the official daily publication for rules and notices of federal agencies and organizations.

    The memo was also produced after the U.S. House voted 402-2 on Oct. 5, against House Resolution 163, a bill that would have required all young people, including women, to serve two years of military service.

    Under federal law, a military draft cannot be started without congressional support.

    About 94 percent of all men are properly registered for a draft, according to Richard Flahavan, associate director of the office of public and intergovernmental affairs for SSS.

    Martin’s memo is just a routine thing, Flahavan said.

    “This has nothing to with current events,” Flahavan said. “This is just the periodic renewal of previous agreements — this one is 18 months but normally it runs four years and that’s why we’re doing it now. I’m not quite sure why it’s 18 months versus the normal number of years.”


    Just a coincidence.


    (sorry-I couldn't keep a straight face with THAT one...)

    Here's some relevant info from the above article:

    Draft Gear Up?

    Who Has To Register?

    All male U.S. citizens and male aliens living in the U.S. between the ages of 18 and 25

    Dual nationals of the U.S. and another country, regardless of where they live
    Young men who are in prison or mental institutions do not have to regsiter while they are committed, but must do so if they are released and not reached age 26
    Disabled men who live at home and can move about indiependently.


    Contrary to popular belief, only sons and the last son to carry a family name must register and they can be drafted.

    What Happens In A Draft

    Congress would likely approve a military draft in a time of crisis, in which the mission requires more troops than are in the volunteer military.

    Selective Service procedures would treat married men or those with children the same as single men.

    The first men to be called up will be those whose 20th birthday falls during that year, followed by those age 21, 22, 23,24 and 25.
    The last men to be called are 18 and 19 years of age.

    Historical Facts

    The last man to be drafted was in June 1973.
    Number of Drafted for WWI : 2.8 million
    Number of Drafted for WWII: 10 million
    Number of Drafted for the Korean War: 1.5 million
    Number of Drafted for the Vietnam War: 1.8 million
    Source: Selective Service System

     My prediction is that the draft will be reinstated come 2005, but the provision to draft females will be taken out to insure passage by fundie legislators. Christers don't really want to send baby-makers in battle, so Becky Sue is safe for now as long as she breeds more Soldiers for Christ inbetween her Wal Mart shift hours. I don't know what Congress was smoking when they put that provision in the Universal National Service Act of 2003. Perhaps they did that so they could have it struck down and then later seem like nice guys for requiring only males for their post-election draft. Who knows...? I'm just glad that I'm too old to be drafted (knock wood...)

    The "crisis" that moves Congress to start a draft could be anything, an invasion of Iran, a domestic terrorist attack, someone could sneeze in the West Bank and THAT would start a draft. It could even be argued that the deepening mire that is Iraq could be justified as such a "crisis."

    One wonders that if a draft were to reach Vietnam War proportions, i.e. over a milion drafted, if America would look up from the Cathode Monster long enough to notice that Bobby Joe's space on the couch was empty...

    Well, they've been TRYING to get him out of the house...

    But Jeeze, drafting married men with kids is just COLD...

    Sounds like even ex-cons and crazy people could potentially be called up. Which is okay I guess, they're probably the only people suited for something as insane as what's happening in Iraq.


    800 Civilians Feared Dead in Fallujah


    BAGHDAD -- At least 800 civilians have been killed during the U.S. military siege of Fallujah, a Red Cross official estimates.

    Speaking on condition of anonymity for fear of U.S. military reprisal, a high-ranking official with the Red Cross in Baghdad told IPS that ”at least 800 civilians” have been killed in Fallujah so far.

    His estimate is based on reports from Red Crescent aid workers stationed around the embattled city, from residents within the city and from refugees, he said.

    ”Several of our Red Cross workers have just returned from Fallujah since the Americans won't let them into the city,” he said. ”And they said the people they are tending to in the refugee camps set up in the desert outside the city are telling horrible stories of suffering and death inside Fallujah.”

    Ah-those 800 Iraqis are just "fucking faking it..."
    Get up and fight, you dirty insurgents...

    I like the part where the Red Cross worker is forced to speak anonymously to avoid "reprisals" from the US Military. This war is complete and total BULLSHIT! Bush is the worst thing this country has ever seen.

    NEWSFLASH! The Army reservists who refused to happily drive to their Glorious Deaths in the service of the Great Poobah Bush aren't getting off as easily as previously thought.

    Bet these folks didn't vote for Bush (even though their absentee ballots probably SAID they did...)

    Army: Order-refusing GIs should be punished


    WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Army is recommending punishment for about two dozen soldiers from an Army Reserve unit in Iraq that refused orders to drive a fuel convoy because they believed it was too dangerous, officials said Tuesday.

    No final decisions have been made, and none of the soldiers has been charged with a crime, the officials said, but preliminary findings of an Army investigation faulted about 24 members of the 343rd Quartermaster Company, which is based at Rock Hill, South Carolina.

    About 18 of the 24 were held for nearly two days after refusing orders to drive a fuel convoy from Tallil Air Base in southern Iraq to a base north of Baghdad. Another six also have been faulted.

    Most of the accused face administrative actions such as fines or reduction in rank, although officials said it was possible that some could face courts-martial under the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Their refusal to obey orders was deemed to be detrimental to good order and discipline.

    Brig. Gen. James E. Chambers, commanding general of 13th Corps Support Command, which manages the provision of fuel, food and ammunition across Iraq, ordered two investigations. One examined the soldiers' refusal of their orders and the other focused on allegations that the unit's trucks were unfit for hazardous duty.

    U.S. officers say the refusal to carry out the mission on October 13 was an isolated incident and not an indication of a broader breakdown in discipline. Still, it's no secret that convoy duty is one of the most perilous jobs in Iraq.

    The military was waiting for the election to be over with before they fully dealt with THESE poor souls. Betcha the NEXT group of GI's to refuse orders gets MUCH MUCH worse...

    (And YES, the irony of combat soldiers being judged by a system headed by a cowardly Air Guard no-show doesn't escape me...)

    Again, here's a big red F U C K Y O U to Red State America for making this all possible...(assholes...)

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