Monday, December 06, 2004

"What fresh hell is this?"
-Dorothy Parker

Bush hasn't even even stumbled through the motions of his triumphal Potemkin Village inauguration, yet we are already being subjected to another sickening prisoner abuse scandal in Iraq. This time around we are forced to endure endless shots of mugging Navy Seals sitting on bound and hooded humans like drunken rednecks at a deer camp.

I need no further proof to convince me that I no longer wish to pay my tax dollars into the Bush war machine. To be a willing accomplice to Bush's war policies is something that my conscience simply cannot bear. Moving to Canada seems to be the quickest way to insure that my money will not be misused to pay for this kind of hideous mistreatment of other humans.

For those who wish to see their tax dollars at work with their own eyes, here's the grisly proof:

(Don't expect these to come up on a Google image search, as they are now censoring this type of content for political reasons...although they claim otherwise...)

Rumsfeld, despite previous speculation, isn't resigning over the Abu Ghraib abuse, so we should expect this to get worse before it gets better. If Seymore Hersh is right this is only the tip of the iceberg. He claims to have seen videos showing US soldiers sodomizing young boys in Abu Ghraib. "The worst is the soundtrack of the boys shrieking..." he claimed.

A good overview of the scandal can be found on WIkipedia:

To those who fear that all of the world has gone insane I refer you to some recent evidence suggesting that the the policies of Bush are as unpopular in the rest of the world as they are popular in Red State America:

General strike cripples Italy to protest Berlusconi's economic policies

Tue Nov 30, 1:21 PM ET

ROME (AFP) - Italy ground to a halt as millions of workers observed a general strike in a show of force against the economic policies of Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi's centre-right coalition government.

Shops and business-owners pulled down the shutters and factories across the country came to a standstill as noisy and colourful columns of demonstrators filed through the centres of Rome, Milan, Turin and around 70 other cities.

"Millions of workers are on the streets" around the country, claimed a triumphant Savino Pezzotta, leader of the Catholic CISL union.

Speaking of protesting right wing tyrants:

"President" Bush has been roundly protested during his recent visit to Canada.


This administration will see much more protesting (outside of the US of course)

Pictures of the Protests:

Bush in Halifax: Thousands March in Peaceful Opposition

The fact thousands of protesters faced dozens of cops with not one person being arrested Wednesday had both sides calling Wednesday's protests in downtown Halifax a big success.

"I couldn't be happier," said Tamara Lorincz of the Halifax Peace Coalition, main organizer of the rally. "Look at how many people came out on the streets because they care."

She expected about 2,000 people would show their anger at American President George W. Bush's presence in Halifax, but police estimate 4,000 people showed up.

Ms. Lorincz praised police, saying they helped the protest go smoothly.

A Wednesday afternoon release signed by Halifax Regional Police Chief Frank Beazley and RCMP Supt. Vern Fraser praised drivers for their patience during traffic disruptions.

"We would also like to acknowledge the Halifax Peace Coalition and other organizers of the public demonstration for their support and co-operation in ensuring a peaceful event," they wrote.

Halifax's Grand Parade was the launch pad for the noisy rally.

Thousands of enthusiastic protesters, ranging from parents with bundled-up newborns to grannies with canes, milled about listening to speeches and music.

The throng grew shortly after 10 a.m., when hundreds of university students arrived to loud cheers from Saint Mary's, Dalhousie and other campuses. By the time protesters hit Barrington Street for the march to the main protest site by Pier 21, the chanting human convoy clogged six city blocks. Other protesters went to nearby Cornwallis Park for speeches and singing.

Wolfville's Bill O'Brien travelled with friends to Halifax for his first protest.

"I'm just amazed at the kind of energy that exists here with young people and old people. I'm glad to be part of it. I wish I had started 45 years ago."

He said he felt strongly about being part of the effort to send a message to the "smug jerk."

"He just can't influence the rest of the world with a sledgehammer."

Red State racism isn't particularly welcome in Canada if the recent probe by the RCMP over shock jock Don Imus' hate speech directed towards Palestinians is any indication.

Probe Over Aired Arab Slurs

Morning jock Don Imus, whose syndicated shock-talk radio show is simulcast on MSNBC, was probably just joking when he and his crew made racist, derogatory remarks during coverage of Yasser Arafat's funeral on Nov. 12.

But many Americans, and obviously a few Canadians, weren't laughing when they caught this exchange between Imus, his sports anchor Sid Rosenberg and their producer Bernard McGuirk over images of the crowds mourning the death of the Palestinian leader.

IMUS: They're (Palestinians) eating dirt and that fat pig wife (Suha Arafat) of his is living in Paris.

ROSENBERG: They're all brainwashed, though. That's what it is. And they're stupid to begin with, but they're brainwashed now. Stinking animals. They ought to drop the bomb right there, kill 'em all right now.

McGUIRK: You can just imagine standing there.

ROSENBERG: Oh, the stench.

IMUS: Well, the problem is that we have Andrea (Mitchell, NBC foreign correspondent) there. We don't want anything to happen to her.

ROSENBERG: Oh, she's got to get out. Just warn Andrea, get out, and then drop the bomb, kill everybody.

McGUIRK: It's like the worst Woodstock.

ROSENBERG: Look at this. Look at these animals. Animals!

Meanwhile, the Democrats are timidly making the first steps to protesting the massive voter fraud that stole Bush another term. Better late than never...I guess...

Voters to challenge US election,13918,1363399,00.html

George Bush's victory in the US presidential election will be challenged in Ohio's supreme court today, when a group of Democratic voters will allege widespread fraud.

The veteran civil rights leader, Reverend Jesse Jackson, is spearheading the call for an Ohio recount. "We can live with winning and losing. We cannot live with fraud and stealing," he said earlier this week.

The election challenge will be reviewed by a single judge out of the seven members of Ohio's supreme court, who may let the election stand, declare another winner, or throw out the result, forcing a recount or even a new vote. The ruling can be appealed to the full court.

Exit polls on election day suggested that the election could be heading towards a Kerry victory, deepening the despair in Democratic ranks at the Bush win. The anomaly was blamed on the exit polls, but Mr Arnebeck argued that it was evidence of malpractice.

All my hard work has paid off...I've made MY FIRST FAN!!!

(comments on Nov 22 post)

J. Kelly (Brother of R.?) said...
Pull your head out of your ass. If you can't see the difference between the vast voter fraud in Ukraine and the alleged problems with the last U.S. election, you're blind and ignorant. And it's not just the U.S. that has condemned Ukraine's election results, it's the EU and OSCE and Canadian observers.

eusephus replied:

My head is actually up George Bush's ass. If you're an American (or someone effected by US foreign policy) then yours is as well...Bush's ass swallowed up the USA's collective head when he stole the election of 2000 and it's just getting stinkier and stinkier the deeper our country is sucked into the bowels of the Republican party's one party state.
It's right on far out and solid that the above entities have criticized the stolen election in Ukraine. I myself condemn ALL stolen elections. I condemn the United State's stolen election of 2000 and the Diebold stealth attack of 2004 as well.
I stand by my observation that it's hilarious that Red State America and the Republican extremists who run it have the audacity to criticize another country's electoral process.
As for why the EU etc. didn't condemn the 2004 US elections, let's just say that they know which side their bread is buttered on.
I am neither blind nor ignorant but painfully aware of the USA's recent history of electoral corruption, particularly in the South (where I was born and raised...)

Well, that's all for now folks...Great to be back after my vacation and subsequent head cold.


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