Monday, November 22, 2004

I will rarely make more than one post per day on this blog, BUT...this news story was too sidesplittingly funny to pass up...!!!!!

U-S says Kiev must investigate election fraud allegations

STATE DEPARTMENT The State Department is calling on Ukraine to investigate allegations of fraud in its presidential elections -- or risk souring relations with the U-S.
A spokesman says Ukrainian officials must "act to ensure an outcome that reflects the will of the Ukrainian people." Adam Ereli (EHR'-eh-lee) says that doesn't mean new elections -- just "quick action" to address concerns.

Otherwise, he says, the U-S will consider altering its relationship with Kiev.

One U-S senator says there was "a concerted and forceful program of election-day fraud and abuse."

Many international observers have expressed similar concerns.

With nearly all votes counted, Kremlin-backed Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych is ahead of reformist candidate Viktor Yushchenko. That result has sparked widespread dismay and anger among the former Soviet republic's 48 (m) million people.


GET IT!?! The UNITED STATES wants Ukraine to investigate allegations of ELECTION FRAUD!!!!!

OR it will "sour" our relations!!

BWAH HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HAHHHHHWWWW!!!!!!! Hee heeeee....*sigh*

Oh GAWD, that one made me cry!

A nation that hasn't had a national election untainted by controversy and allegations of fraud since at least 1998 is pulling THIS shit?

At least the Ukrainians PROTESTED their coup! Americans just sat back, flipped the channel and belched....BOTH TIMES!!!!!

Fuck the USA....


Blogger J. Kelly said...

Pull your head out of your ass. If you can't see the difference between the vast voter fraud in Ukraine and the alleged problems with the last U.S. election, you're blind and ignorant. And it's not just the U.S. that has condemned Ukraine's election results, it's the EU and OSCE and Canadian observers.

4:31 PM  
Blogger eusephus said...

J. Kelly (Brother of R.?) said...

Pull your head out of your ass. If you can't see the difference between the vast voter fraud in Ukraine and the alleged problems with the last U.S. election, you're blind and ignorant. And it's not just the U.S. that has condemned Ukraine's election results, it's the EU and OSCE and Canadian observers.

eusephus replied:

My head is actually up George Bush's ass. If you're an American (or someone effected by US foreign policy) then yours is as well...Bush's ass swallowed up the USA's collective head when he stole the election of 2000 and it's just getting stinkier and stinkier the deeper our country is sucked into the bowels of the Republican party's one party state.

It's right on far out and solid that the above entities have criticized the stolen election in Ukraine. I myself condemn ALL stolen elections. I condemn the United State's stolen election of 2000 and the Diebold stealth attack of 2004 as well.

I stand by my observation that it's hilarious that Red State America and the Republican extremists who run it have the audacity to criticize another country's electoral process.

As for why the EU etc. didn't condemn the 2004 US elections, let's just say that they know which side their bread is buttered on.

I am neither blind nor ignorant but painfully aware of the USA's recent history of electoral corruption, particularly in the South (where I was born and raised...)

9:11 AM  

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